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God's Weaving

Hey Daniel's Heart Community,

We pray you are doing well and enjoying the beginnings of fall time. The weather has just started to shift here in Washington. God so purposely brings change in our lives and gives us opportunities to grow. Around us we can be reminded of this in the arrays of yellow, orange and red, and the routine that fall brings. I find it interesting that what is taking place seasonally is a death that will eventually bring new life! In all of our stories, I bet we can look back and remark on how many times we had to endure hard things, or even dying to our desires or plans, only to find that goodness or an unexpected scenario changed us for the better. That life, came out of what felt like a death or sorrow or change. The deepest changes happen on the inside, and are also often the hardest to overcome, aren't they? I pray as you begin this new season that God will allow you to enter into his rest, no matter where you might be today, both internally and practically.

In every season of Daniel's Heart, I've noticed changes in our ministry and God continues to bring new people along our path whom we feel called to help. In 2007 I boarded a plane to Uganda. I was traveling with my friend Michelle from Oregon. We had a long layover in Amsterdam where we were to meet up with Michelle's family friend, Laura, before arriving in beautiful Uganda on Easter Sunday.

During this time we served for almost 2 weeks in the villages, women's prison and orphanage. We shared a room together, slept under mosquito nets, and marveled at how God was speaking to our hearts. We giggled our way through each adventure and hurdle as we shared the love of Christ to a people, who at the time, didn't see very many "mzungus" (white people). Little did I know God was shaping life-long friendships during this trip and that Laura would become so dear to my heart. We would travel to Uganda one more time together in 2009.

Fast forward 16 years to Easter Sunday, 2023, Laura and her husband were given the word "cancer" as a diagnosis. Laura's husband, Ned, found out he has prostate cancer. Since then they began fighting for Ned's life and leaning on one another in new and challenging ways. Laura's fierce love for Ned has never wavered and she continues to seek the Lord fervently as she cares for Ned's needs.

Little did we know in 2007, God would join our hearts together so many years later! Last month, with your partnership, we were able to help Laura and Ned in more purposeful ways and bring relief to their home. I find his weaving of our stories so miraculous and fascinating. Since Daniel's Heart heard about Ned's story, we began to lift them before the Lord. We ask that you join us! Ned's journey is far from over.

Ned has his last chemo infusion on Sept. 21st. We praise God for getting him through that! The infusions caused many moments of confusion, blood sugar problems and left Laura feeling like she couldn't leave him alone. Thankfully Oregon offers a 12 week paid leave program, so Laura will be able to stay home with Ned and care for his short term needs. Continue to pray for them as they navigate his care, for provision financially and that Jesus would continue to hold them and be their comfort during this unknown season.

We're so thankful for your partnership and support. We hope you feel the light of Christ in your lives as you seek to live out your faith in all you do through every season!

We appreciate you!

Sara, for Daniel's Heart


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